300 credits...

Let me ask you one question. What is exactly the same about every single vacation you have ever taken. I give up. You. You're the same. No matter where you go, it's always you. Let me suggest that you take a vacation... from yourself. I know, it sounds wild. It is the latest thing in travel. We call it the Ego Trip. I'm not interested. You're gonna love this, Doug. We offer you a choice of alternate identities during your trip.Why go to Mars as a tourist when you can go as a playboy... or a famous jock or... "Secret agent." How much is that? Let me tantalize you. You are a top operative under deep cover on your most important mission. People are trying to kill you. You meet this beautiful, exotic woman. Go on. I don't wanna spoil it for you but by the time the trip is over you get the girl, kill the bad guys and save the entire planet.
Now, you tell me. Isn't that worth a measly 300 credits?

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

You call this a "planet"? It's so red, dusty and dry. What's to save here anyway? I'd better take my 300 credits and buy myself a total recall now, wouldn't I?

raluca spunea...

commentul este pentru tot ce am citit aici!e foarte ....... real!?imi place sa vad cat de frumoasa e imaginatia

augustin spunea...

Raluca, nu e vorba de imaginatie in cazul de fata. E drept ca am avut si eu o imaginatie odata insa m-a lasta balta cand a dat de alta imaginatie cu ochii albastri. Eu vorbesc aici despre situatia incredibila prin care trece echipa de handbal a Nigeriei, si asta din toate punctele de vedere...